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Getting Organised

Home cooking in this age of quick, convenient meals takes some deliberate thought and organisation in your home. It is more than worth the effort. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your time:

1. Plan your week

Make yourself a cuppa, sit down and plan out your coming week. If you are too busy during the week, do it over the weekend. You don't need to spend a whole lot of time on it but rest assured it will be time well spent. If you know what you are going to cook in advance, you can make sure you have all the ingredients you need to keep the family’s taste buds singing in low carb delight. There is no greater enemy to living the low carb lifestyle than being unprepared and caught off guard. Here’s a Weekly Planner to help you get your week sorted. Good to Eat has a growing range of recipes to help you get your ingredients together and some links to other sites that have loads of delicious recipes to build up your low carb options.

2. Freeze

Food prepared fresh is delicious and so good for you, there’s no disputing it. But having a day off from the kitchen once in a while is bliss, especially when you are busy. Don’t resort to unhealthy takeaways to help you out. A simple solution is to stock up your freezer with some tasty, low carb meals. Have a cooking day and prepare food in bulk. Meatballs for kid’s lunches, low carb bread, anything that you need in order to be well equipped in living the low carb life, streamlined. Make it a fun event with your close circle of friends or other mums from school.

3. Tools

Every kitchen needs a good stock of essential tools. From the humble cheese-grater to good quality knives and a slotted spoon or two, the list goes on. There are a couple of items that are extremely helpful if you are new to low carb cooking, but you don’t need to break the budget. Go as simple or elaborate as you want to.

You will need:

  1. Food Processor – there are varying options that you can choose, from your run of the mill food processor to a Thermomix. You just need to make sure that the one you use can grind nuts and seeds.

  2. Kitchen Scales – a good set of kitchen scales are very helpful when you are transitioning to low carb cooking. You will be using some new ingredients that may take some getting used to so you need to be accurate with your measurements to safeguard you against potential disaster.

4. Whip your pantry into shape

Take a quick peek in your pantry? How is it looking? If you are transitioning to a low carb lifestyle there are sure to be some pantry staples that need to go. There are the obvious carbohydrate items like wheat flour and breadcrumbs. Don’t forget to weed out all those hidden items as well, like spaghetti sauces that contain excessive amounts of sugars. Do an inventory and be proactive about weeding out those things that are not good for you and your family. If you are wondering what you should eliminate don’t forget to check this list from Real Meal Revolution.

If you have any handy hints that you'd like to share, drop us a line, we'd love to hear about the changes you've made to your lifestyle.

Enjoy the transition to living the Low Carb Lifestyle!

Beth and Fran

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